Most recipes on my site are from various sources, including, taste of home and other magazines, and cookbooks. Some have been adapted.

Pan Grease

This stuff is miraculous for baking. Things I've made in the past that stick with greasing and flouring do not stick after I use this stuff. And it's not just for baked goods. I use it for casseroles as well. It doesn't need refrigeration (within reason) so I mix up a small portion at a time and keep it in my spice drawer. It does separate a little so I stir it up before using it and use a silicone pastry brush to apply it to the pan.

1/4 cup oil
1/4 cup shortening
1/4 cup flour

Mix well. If there are tiny lumps, don't worry-they will brush out when you apply it to the pan. Brush on baking pans before filling them.

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